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I’m a proud Parent of Sceptre Comprehensive College which is a fantastic school with the right teachers, good administrators and friendly students. Their assembly is done in an open space which boost positivity.
I am also extremely impressed at the way the school quickly switched to online classes and conducted their examination online during the stay at home order.
My children not only get academics but also character development and great values that will last for a long time.
I would definitely recommend Sceptre Comprehensive College!!!
Sceptre college is a God sent school to me. I remember vividly how I started with them. The management is caring and considerate. Academically they are thriving to greater heights. The environment is so condusive for learning. I am glad I decided to take my children to the school. No regrets
Thank you for assisting in moulding my children. The lord bless her and enlarge her coast. Amen.
No words can describe how thankful I and my husband to have Eniola Shokunbi be part of the family of sceptre college, under the qualified teacher along with educational programs you have, full support and encouragement also bring the confidence in the class, what a good school for Eniola and especially for us parent knowing Eniola is in a very good environment that always keeps her motivated to come to school and achieve her best.
Thank you very much for your leadership and I trust sceptre college will more get recognise as one of the best education provider in Nigeria.
Sceptre has been a good sch and the teachers are very effective and wonderful.Sceptre Group of Schools have been wonderful and will continue to be in Jesus name (amen)
Sceptre College is a wonderful school that encourages & motivate children Spiritually, mentally, morally, academically & otherwise. D school has impacted so much on d life of our daughter Onyinyechi Ukwenieze and on this note, we says Kudos to all our lovely and highly esteemed teachers, d principal & d entire management of d school. More power to your elbow.
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