Providing Excellent Education Without Corruption

Raising A Generation Of Godly Leaders, Who Will Achieve A Consistent Record Of Moral And Academic Excellent, Where In All Things, He As The Pre-Eminence.

You Need Education For Better Life

Interdum reiciendis morbi primis exercitation, tincidunt Providentu
Dis, non pulvinar nonummy viverra do deleniti vero sociosqu.

About Us

We Developing Childhood Potentials since 1997

At Sceptre schools we promote the total development of childhood potentials through the use modern, standard and improved curriculum with comprehensive methods that appeals to the learner physical, mental, social and intellectual facilities.

Dr Adelaja Ojetola

Chairman and founder


KG, Nursery and Primary Admissions Open for 2023 Session

College Admissions Open for 2023 Session



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Dr Adelaja Ojetola


Mrs Grace Ojetola



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